In the middle of winter, it's trite to say that one misses warmer weather.
In the words of Stephanie Tanner, "No duh!"
But I think I've found something that I miss more than weather above 32 degrees. Cafes. Despite the enjoyable parts of reverting back to the more casual, laid-back life of a Chicagoan, there's something to be said for the occasional caffeinated oasis in New York. I'm not sure if it's the momentary suspension of constant things, or it's simply the act of sitting, or even the combination of sitting still, sipping coffee/tea, and having the default become listening to the conversations fill the air around you . . . but I'm pretty sure that right there is one of life's greatest moments. Sitting down, suspending self, absorbing audio, observing body language, exposing yourself to new ideas in books, exposing your ideas to new ideas in your unconscious, and getting high on caffeine. Damn, that's pretty awesome.
Alas, that same oasis doesn't exist in Chicago. There are cafes, there are people, there are books, blogs, music, and even 3 million people. All of which are idiosyncratic and equally interesting as anywhere else in the world. But the hum doesn't really go silent in quite the same manner.
Not sure what that means.
I suppose I should just wish for the warm weather and be done with it.
(photo via brittnybadger)