Why can't I keep it my way?
Why do other people want to know?
Why must we think in black and white?
Why is this information located at the top of my profile?
Why is it not an editable field?
Why is this a semi-annual reminder alert?
Why is it phrased as if I'm three-years-old?
Why can't facebook refer to me as a person?
Why would other people want to know?
Why would you like to know?
Why is it phrased as a "profile update" scenario?
Why is it confusing?
Why is there "sex" but not "gender"?
Why should I feel compelled to change my information?
Why is the norm in a confusing world to NOT be confused?
Why am I "okay" with only one example?
Why must I choose?
Oh, phew.
I found the opt-out potential stowed in the lower right-hand corner.
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