This morning, something very odd happened. Oddly pleasant. My alarm(s) went off and I didn't immediately transform into some horrific monster-zombie-thing rising from the dead. Instead, I had this odd little voice inside of me say, "Oh, okay . . . I guess it's time to get up."
That's never happened before!
After hitting snooze, of course, I was able to pinpoint why my internal monologue was so well-tempered this morning: a fade-in alarm. Absolutely genius, ergonomically speaking.
Suddenly jolting in bed, throwing the covers up over my head, and running across the room to attack such a mind-numbing noise seems so unnecessary. Instead, I'm able to actually process that the alarm is just a well-intentioned, self-inflicted wake-up call.
I should've seen this one before. I warn people that I'm not a "morning person" and that most attempts to have a morning chat are futile -- I turn into a prehistoric caveman; one who hasn't fully developed socially appropriate language skills, but instead resorts to "get away from me" grunts. The similarities all make sense now.
So, bravo to the makers of the iHome -- your work boasts a wonderful user experience.
Anyway. Good morning, everyone.
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